One potato…

Allotment Potato This little potato is the first produce from the allotment! Ashley and I spent the day there yesterday, the sun shone but the wind was a bit chilly – result = sunburn! Some of the first earlies are flowering so I had a little dig around in the soil with my hand and this little guy was there! I’m sure that there’s lots more but I decided not to dig them up as I don’t need them right away. Ashley strimmed some of the long grass and weeds, those threatening to spread seed all over our supply of rotted manure and those impeding the route into the potting shed area. In the tool shed, Ashley spotted a Swallow nesting which is lovely, but I’m a bit worried that we’ll be disturbing it going in and out for tools. We decided to sacrifice the beetroot that we’d put in a while ago as the weeds over took them early on and even though I’ve kept clearing the weeds, they don’t seem to have recovered well at all. We could do with the planting space so decided to scrap them for this year. We still have some beetroot pickled from what we grew last year anyway. In it’s place we put several brussel sprout plants; I’ve never grown them before but wanted to give them a go now we have more room. I think I will plant some lettuce and maybe some spring onions around them for the summer. The beans are still looking a little washed out, I think it’s the constant wind up there. We may have to look at putting up some sort of wind break. The newer growth looks OK though so we’ll see how they get on in the coming weeks. The peas are being munched by the birds though! Seeing other people’s plots online, it feels like ours is a bit behind – maybe because we didn’t have the greenhouse earlier in the season to get things started. But it’s good to see the potatoes and onions coming on well and I’m sure everything else will catch up.